“KYAX has been a massive boost to our business, driving reconciliations, trustworthy data & reporting, while we focus on revenue and our growing client needs”

Agio Digital Case Study

Explore how Agio Digital is using KYAX’s reconciliation and reporting tool to better service Digital Asset Funds & Asset Managers across multiple asset classes.

Download full case study below:


Explore the key features and benefits

Auto-Reconciliation & Reporting

Finance Audit Reporting

Client Reporting

Auto-Reconciliation & Reporting

  • Attribute and match transaction data, configure rules to auto match transactions movements at scale.
  • Manage exceptions and set-up case by case alerts for unmatched transaction for easy resolution.
  • Drilldown into the detail of any transaction to understand everything about it.

Finance Audit Reporting

  • Automatically generate Audit ready client reports in PDF & CSV and send anywhere.
  • Custom dashboard reporting and statement downloads with attestation process support.
  • Read-only data ingestion with configurable, permissioned alerts triggered by your business logic.

Client Reporting

  • Automatically generated client reports in PDF & CSV sent anywhere.
  • Client portal with custom dashboard reporting and statement downloads.
  • Read-only data ingestion with configurable permissioned alerts triggered by your business logic.

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