“KYAX has significantly enhanced our business operations, facilitating reconciliations, and enabling reliable reporting, allowing us to concentrate on Alpha, and meeting the increasing demands of our clients.”

Damex Case Study

Understand how Damex is using KYAX’s reconciliation and reporting tool to streamline business operations, staying regulatorily complaint, and focusing on Alpha.


Explore the key features and benefits

Business & Regulatory Portfolio Dashboards

KYA ™ 

Client Reporting

Business & Regulatory Portfolio Dashboards

  • Attribute and match transaction data, configure rules to auto match transactions movements at scale.
  • Near-time reconciled data in human readable formats to any stakeholder via CSVs, emails or APIs, including configured alerts.
  • Business & regulatory configured reports with drill-down by business unit, activity or any other metric.


  • All of your acccounts, consolidated, reconciled and prepared for you – complete financial review

  • Configurable display of various levels of evidence to different audiences

  • Sign-off from authorized representatives using jurisdictionally appropriate frameworks

Client Reporting

  • Automatically generated client reports in PDF & CSV sent anywhere.
  • Client portal with custom dashboard reporting and statement downloads.
  • Read-only data ingestion with configurable permissioned alerts triggered by your business logic.

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