Explore the key features and benefits

Business & Regulatory Portfolio Dashboards

KYA ™ 


Business & Regulatory Portfolio Dashboards

  • Attribute and match transaction data, configure rules to auto match transactions movements at scale.
  • Near-time reconciled data in human readable formats to any stakeholder via CSVs, emails or APIs, including configured alerts.
  • Business & regulatory configured reports with drill-down by business unit, activity or any other metric.


  • All of your acccounts, consolidated, reconciled and prepared for you – complete financial review

  • Configurable display of various levels of evidence to different audiences

  • Sign-off from authorized representatives using jurisdictionally appropriate frameworks


  • Flexible, open read-only APIs that enables full transaction consolidation across your custodians, blockchains and custom systems.
  • Push your enriched transactional data to your systems as required via APIs.
  • Integrated on and off-chain data available by APIs for business and financial reporting.

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